Archive for July 10th, 2010

July 10, 2010

just because.

by seven miles

hello, ladies and gentlemen.

why am i doing this? just because. right now is perhaps not the most opportune time to post a very FIRST entry as i am sleepy and hungry and have just worked a taxing week at ye ol’ day-job, but i’d rather get it out of the way so i can throw off the “making it worthy of a debut” stress. done! poof.

it seems like the first entry should tell you why i am bothering to add more stuff to the interwebs when there is already so much stuff there. the shortest answer is “just because.” the more complete answer starts off with “because i need to.” i am fortunate enough (and have worked hard enough, but one needs a bit of luck as well) to find myself with a good job doing creative work that i enjoy. i also have a healthy freelance side-career doing more of the same. i kept asking myself, however, “okay, so why am i so cranky and unfulfilled?”

answer: because all of the work i do is commercial. it’s work in support of the art of others, and while i do have a considerable amount of freedom, it’s still not my very precious own. i have always holed up in my room and made things just because. i don’t know, i just woke up one morning and decided to make xyz. . . or, i was walking down the street, and this is what this street looks like to me . . . or, i’ve kept a journal since 1989, and sometimes writing comes out that i feel like sharing. or. or. or. been busy bringing home the soy bacon, and my very precious own children were being stowed away in drawers and on hard drives, never to meet anyone else. they are bored. they are cranky! so am i!

i know i’m not the only person in this predicament, but i am me and i am in it, and it’s bugging the crap out of me. so, i do this for me, just because.

as i already have plenty of projects that are cataloged under “job,” i decided to carve out this forum for other things that i do to live without deadlines, rules, structure, or any other constraints. just because! because making stuff is fun!

so, here you are. a collection of stuff i do. i feel better already.